a man practicing kicking

Martial Arts for Self Defense Training in Vilonia Arkansas

By Eric Caldwell | October 31, 2022

Self-defense is more than just a punch or a kick. It’s learning how to keep yourself safe in threatening situations. If you live alone, walk home from work late at night, or often travel to isolated areas, learning self-defense skills can help protect you from the threat of physical violence. Self-defense training is more than…

Learn How to Defend Yourself with Self-Defense Classes in Greenbriar Arkansas 1

Learn How to Defend Yourself with Self-Defense Classes in Greenbriar Arkansas

By Eric Caldwell | October 28, 2022

You never know when you might have to defend yourself. Whether you’re walking home from the grocery store, traveling on a plane, or doing some other everyday activity, it’s always possible that someone might try to take advantage of the situation and attack you. If this happens, knowing how to defend yourself could be the…

Which firearm is right for you?

You’ve Picked Your Perfect Gun—Now What?

By Curtis Robinson | August 23, 2022

Last time we talked about how to select a firearm based on your specific needs and abilities. Now, let’s get into what else you will need to go along with your gun. Every pistol needs a holster, and every holster needs a good belt. Every rifle needs a sling; a sling is to a rifle…

Gearing Up and Training 2

Gearing Up and Training

By Curtis Robinson | August 23, 2022

Now that you have your new gun and have some way to sling or holster it, it’s time to have some fun with it. As always, safety is paramount when it comes to handling a firearm. Following these four simple rules will keep you from hurting anyone or having a negligent discharge: Always treat every…

Which firearm is right for you?

Which firearm is right for you?

By Curtis Robinson | May 16, 2022

Whether you are a first-time gun owner or have been shooting since you were a kid, there are many factors to consider when selecting which firearm to get. Unfortunately, there is no be-all and end-all gun that will be suitable for every purpose or every shooter, and when you are planning to buy a gun,…

Anti Bullying Classes 3

Anti Bullying Classes

By Curtis Robinson | March 3, 2022

What does it take to change a bully into a respectful and humble human being? The answer is simple…values. We move young, often angry, teens/adults away from bad habits rooted in bullying into a new world of respect, humility, and courage. Bullying is a symptom of a poor environment, which could include: gang membership, abuse…

Conway man offering no charge assistance for domestic violence victims 6

Conway man offering no charge assistance for domestic violence victims

By Curtis Robinson | October 19, 2020

LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — October marks National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and a Conway business owner is opening his services to those in need. Curtiss Robinson is a retired army officer, with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in clinical counseling. After retiring from the army, he decided he wanted to do…

Arkansas military veteran, martial arts instructor offering anti-bullying classes (by THV11) 7

Arkansas military veteran, martial arts instructor offering anti-bullying classes (by THV11)

By Curtis Robinson | March 6, 2020

Toe2Toe Martial Arts in Conway, Ark. is offering anti-bullying and self-defense programs for youth in the community. Learn more here: https://www.conwaytoe2toe.com/bullying/  

Owning the battlefield…strategies for self-defense 8

Owning the battlefield…strategies for self-defense

By Curtis Robinson | November 18, 2019

In the United States Army, we often talked about “owning the battlefield” or in some cases controlling the battlespace. The Air Force typically gains air superiority while the tankers and infantry must hold key points of terrain. The Navy, of course, dominates the oceans and provides additional support to the coastline. In Martial Arts, do…

Maximizing your workout in a thermogenic state 13

Maximizing your workout in a thermogenic state

By Curtis Robinson | November 11, 2019

Anyone can Google the average caloric burn for the major forms of exercise and easily discover that on average a person can burn 500 to 700 calories per hour. That research would indicate that on the surface it doesn’t matter whether we are running,, swimming, lifting weights or engaged in some form of high-intensity interval…